Wow, haven't updated this site in a while...! Well I changed the layout completely today, so this site is all new-and-improved!!
Two pieces of news: I updated the DrunkDuck site's layout (it looks purty!) and... I'm now on an update schedule of Suday-Wednesday-Friday.
That's it!
Hi! Nothing much new *today* although I passed 100 pages! But that was a while ago. Yesterday I was feeling unmotivated
(which is odd in this context, but completely understandable in every other arena of my life) so I didn't post. I need
some inspiration. I keep seeing artist upon artist, all infuriatingly better than me, which will have to change sometime
Today I'm going back to college, which takes like 6 hours on the train, so hopefully I'll do more than one page.
;_; why bother...
No! I shall remain positive! ^_^ yay life!
Got lots of pages up on my webcomic now ^_^ and it looks fancier now too!!!! I'm almost at chapter 5: responsibility!
I haven't developed a substantial fanbase yet, but hopefully that'll get rolling in a few months, and then I'll skyrocket
to internet notoriety and then get invited to conventions and people will be like, "OMG! Can I have your autograph?!?!"
And I'll be like, "ok"
I had a crazy revelation today. It's 3:43 am, and I have finally realized that everyone was RIGHT when they said
that MISFIT ASSASSINS should be a webcomic. So, the shop's closed. Now everyone can read... for free... and it'll
be better quality that what you're used to, too.
Sorry, everyone who bought a copy!!! You're way cool!!!!! ^_^
WOO amazing day! First copy sold, via ebay, to the worthy and amazing Ryan Olsen! Happy Birthday, pal!
This incredible success is a large step in the War on Terror.
Page scans are in. I think I'll publish the site today.
FINALLY!!! I've FINISHED COMPLETELY writing Misfit Assassins part 1!!! It's 1:20 AM, and I just pasted
nice pictures over frames that were embarrassingly bad... I wrote up a back cover... I wrote up an information/dedication
page... I fixed up/applied fixative to pages 3 and 4... I finished the Bonus Pages... I drew a cute "final page"... the cover's
been designed... WOW! Life is pretty great!!
Now I'm going to work on the site a bit. Can't wait till I publish this. I just killed a moth.
OMG Amazing news for MISFIT ASSASSINS fans!!! (aka no one, since no one has read it yet.) We now have
web access!!!!! AKA the website you're on right now! Whee!
Also, Part 1 of Volume 1 is almost done. I need to finish up a few pages, redo pages 1-3 nicely, and design
and execute a cover, and then buy an Exact-o knife and cut the pages out of the book I drew MA in, and then scan them, bring
them to Kinkos, make copies in bulk, staple and SELL!!!!! That's it!
I know, I know, you can't wait. Well, me neither. ^_^